Homework Submission Specifications

Posted by Java Course Staff on September 17, 2016

How to submit your homework via Git

/This instruction is designed to give a clear instruction on how to hand in your homework./

Step 1:

  • register your own account Here
  • Attention: when you register your account, please make sure that your url is ‘iss’+your student number

Step 2:

  • create your own private project

  • select the private option

Step 3:

Step 4:

  • After finishing your project, please commit and push your labour to your own repository.
  • Note that the repository should be named as homework_x where x is the homework number with no extra zeros.

Here I will show you how to use command line to upload.

1) Create an empty repo named homework_x and enter the repo’s root directory.

$ git init homework_x
$ cd homework_x

2) Add a remote host named origin with your remote repo’s SSH address.

$ git remote add origin 'SSH Address'

The SSH address of your repo may look like this one:

3) If your OSChina git repo is not empty, you need to pull it first.

$ git pull origin master

4) Then Happy Coding in your local repo!

5) After coding , perform an Add -> Commit -> Push workflow.

$ git add file1.java
$ git add file2.java
$ ......

You can also add all files in a single add command.

$ git add .

Then commit a new version with a commit message.

$ git commit -m "Hello" 

6) Finally don’t forget to upload your labour to the remote repo.

If you are making a first push, add -u origin master option to establish an upstream relationship from localhost:master to origin:master.

$ git push -u origin master

If you have made a push before, you can just omit that option.

$ git push

For detailed Git tutorial, please go to 廖雪峰的Git博客.

Step 5:

  • Add our TA as a project member
  • We will grab all the project right after the deadline.

What’s More

  • Author: Xiaoyu Zheng
  • CopyRight: TA group of ISS-Java course
  • Any question please ask on the Piazza.
  • Any kind of cheating will be punished, but you are allowed to ask your classmates for help.